Amiga Format CD 7
Amiga Format AFCD07 (Dec 1996, Issue 91).iso
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Hello all Amiga enthusiasts,
This animation was created in order to test out the program 'CartoonStudio' by
Marco Vigelius that was featured on Amiga Format CD 4 which allows sound samples
to be easily assigned to any frame in an animation. I was so impressed with it
that I immediately sent off my registration fee to Marco in The Netherlands and
within a week had received the latest version - and a nice letter!
Okay, so Marco admits it's slow to use in some parts but for £5 it's a bargain
and I'm no programmer so not in a position to criticise! The new version allows
Hi Res animations in 16 colours to be loaded whereas the CD version only allowed
the use of Low Res anims in 32 colours. However, the lack of colours is made up
for by the fact that you can now use no less than 50 different colour palettes
within an animation!
You may have noticed that there are two 'Bee' animations featured here.
'BeeAnim' is the short original animation that I did for a laugh when I first
tested out my Vidi Amiga digitiser a couple of years ago. I never expected
anyone else to ever see it! 'BeeAnim32Col'is a much longer version of the above
that I created in order to try CartoonStudio's sound features.If you don't have
enough memory to run the second you should be able to run the first. The
animation runs at only 7 frames per second as I thought this added to the
pixelated (ie; animated live action ) technique.
The animation was done in Low Res using Brilliance2 and DPaint5 and drawn with
the mouse! Most of the sound effects were taken from the Weird Science
'Sounds Terrific' CD with additional samples being obtained using TechnoSound
Turbo II. As previously mentioned, the live action stills were recorded using a
Vidi Amiga 12 digitiser and a video camera.
I hope you enjoy it!
Keep on animating.
All the best,
Dale Hemenway.
18 Sneyd Hall Road,
West Midlands.
Tel. (01922) 479656